Vector Photonics is a University of Glasgow spin out founded in 2020 to develop a new generation of semiconductor lasers. Known as a PCSEL (photonic crystal surface emitting laser), the design uses a photonic crystal with a series of reflectors to control and confine the laser. This results in dramatically improved performance including faster switching speeds, longer wavelengths (>1000 nanometre) and higher output power.
The funding will support the commercialisation of unique semiconductor laser technology.
The investment will be used to fabricate a PCSEL that emits at a 1310 nanometre wavelength. This matches the specifications set by customers and passes the necessary testing and accreditation.
Vector Photonics is initially targeting the $5.7bn optical transceiver market. WAE has significant experience and extensive commercial relationships in markets beyond optical receivers and will be well placed to make introductions.
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